Components such as tubes, pipes and headers used in power generation plants are operated in a creep regime and have a finite life. During partial replacement, creep exhausted materials are often welded to virgin materials with superior properties. The aim of this study was to identify a suitable weld filler material to join creep aged X20CrMoV12-1 to a virgin P91 (X10CrMoVNbV9-1) steel. Two dissimilar joints were welded using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process for the root passes, and manual metal arc (MMA) welding for filling and capping. The X20 and the P91 fillers were selected for joining the pipes. The samples were further heat treated at 755°C to stress relief the samples. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the weld metals were evaluated. The average hardness of X20 weld metal (264 HV10) was higher than the hardness measurement of P91 weld metal (206 HV10). The difference in hardness was attributed to the high carbon content in X20 material. The characterisation results revealed that the use of either X20 or P91 weld filler for a butt weld of creep aged X20 and virgin P91 pipes material does not have a distinct effect on the creep life and creep crack propagation mechanism. Both weld fillers (X20 and P91) are deemed to be suitable because limited interdiffusion (<10 μm) of chromium and carbon at the dissimilar weld interface was observed across the fusion line. The presence of a carbon ‘denuded’ zone was limited to <10 μm in width, based on the results from local measurements of the precipitate phase fractions using image analysis and from elemental analysis using EDS. However the nanoindentation hardness measurements across the fusion line could not detect any ‘soft’ zone at the dissimilar weld interface. The effect of the minute denuded zone was also not evident when the samples were subjected to nanoindentation hardness testing, tensile mechanical testing, Small Punch Creep Test (SPCT) and cross weld uniaxial creep testing.