There are main drivers for the design and assessment of steam turbine components of today such as demands for improved materials, higher plant cycling operation, and reduced life-cycle costs. New materials have been developed over the last decades resulting in advanced martensitic 9-10CrMoV steels already applied in different types of turbines successfully. Heavy cyclic loading getting more importance than in the past results in utilization of the fatigue capabilities at high and low temperatures which might lead to crack initiation and subsequent crack propagation. Fracture mechanics methods and evaluation concepts have demonstrated their applicability to assess the integrity of components with defects or crack-like outage findings. Based on realistic modelling of the failure mechanism, accurate prediction of crack sizes at failure state can be improved defining the appropriate damage criteria. Ductility is a main aspect for robust design but its value definition can depend on component type, design rules, real loading conditions, service experience, and material characteristics. The question which direct material parameter is able to serve as limit value in design and how it can be determined has to be solved. Examples of advanced analysis methods for creep crack growth and fatigue interaction involving the crack initiation time show that the reserves of new martensitic 9-10Cr steels in high temperature application can be well quantified. The creep rupture elongation Au and the loading conditions in the crack far field are main factors. If the Au value is sufficient high also after long-time service, the material remains robust against cracks. Investigations into the influence of stress gradients on life time under fatigue and creep fatigue conditions show that e.g. for 10CrMoWV rotor steel crack growth involvement offers further reserves. The consideration of constraint effect in fracture mechanics applied to suitable materials allows for further potentials to utilize margin resulting from classical design. The new gained knowledge enables a more precise determination of component life time via an adapted material exploitation and close interaction with advanced design rules.

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