A failure of the upper casing of the circulation pump led to a big damage in the PP Staudinger unit 5 on 12th of May 2014. According to the §18(2) BetrSichV an extensive root cause analysis (RCA) was started. From the beginning on different lines of activities were initiated to handle the situation with the required diligence. Decisions were made, taking into account safety regulations, possibility of repair and best practice engineering. Following the board decision to repair the unit 5, a lot of detailed work was done. All of the performed work packages were linked in different timelines and needed to meet in the key points. Consequently it was a challenge to achieve the agreed date of unit 5 restart on 15th of January 2015. The unit restart on the targeted date was a proof of the excellent collaboration between all involved parties. The presentation gives a summarizing overview about the damage, the main results of the RCA and the repair activities.