Early supercritical units such as American Electric Power (AEP) Philo U6, the world’s first supercritical power plant, and Eddystone U1 successfully operated at ultrasupercritical (USC) levels. However due to the unavailability of metals that could tolerate these extreme temperatures, operation at these levels could not be sustained and units were operated for many years at reduced steam (supercritical) conditions. Today, recently developed creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels, advanced austenitic stainless steels, and nickel based alloys are used in the components of the steam generator, turbine and piping systems that are exposed to high temperature steam. These materials can perform under these prolonged high temperature operating conditions, rendering USC no longer a goal, but a practical design basis. This paper identifies the engineering challenges associated with designing, constructing and operating the first USC unit in the United States, AEP’s John W. Turk, Jr. Power Plant (AEP Turk), including fabrication and installation requirements of CSEF alloys, fabrication and operating requirements for stainless steels, and life management of high temperature components

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