The impression creep test method using a rectangular indenter has been well established and the applicability of the technique has been supported by the test data for a number of metallic materials at different temperatures and stresses. The technique has proved to be particularly useful in providing material data for on-site creep strength assessments of power plant components operating in the creep regime. Due to these reasons, “standard” assessment procedures using the impression testing method are needed in order for the technique to be more widely used. This paper will first address some key issues related to the use of the impression creep test method, involving the data conversion method, typical test types and validity of the test technique etc. Then some recommendations on a number of practical aspects, such as the basic requirements of test rigs, “standard” specimen geometry, indenter dimensions, sampling procedures for scoop samples, specimen preparation, temperature and loading control, and displacement measurement, are briefly addressed. Finally, applications of the test data to assist with the risk management and life assessment programme of power plant components, particularly those with service-exposed materials, using data obtained from scoop samples, are described. Proposals for future exploitation and for improvement of the technique are addressed.

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