The creep degradation/life assessment for high temperature critical component materials is absolutely needed to assure the long-term service operation and there is little experience with the service exposure of the high temperature components made of newly developed Ni-based alloys. In this study, therefore, the creep degradation assessment study on the Ni-based alloys, Alloy 617 and HR6W was conducted based on the hardness method, because the hardness measurement is a useful and simple technique for the materials characterization for any kind of high temperature-serviced steels and alloys. As the result, it was found that the hardness was increased by not only precipitation due to thermal aging but also creep stress/strain, and there existed linear relationship between the applied stress and creep-induced hardness increase. Also the hardness scatter measured was increased along with the progress of creep hardening and damage progressing in terms of creep life consumed. Those findings suggested that the creep life assessment of Ni-based alloys would be possible by means of hardness measurement. The paper also deals with the role and perspective development of non destructive damage detecting techniques, and life assessment issues on Ni-based alloys for A-USC power applications.

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