Grade 91 steel has been found to be susceptible to Type IV cracking in the base metal heat affected zone (HAZ). In order to better understand this type of failure, a study on the metallurgical reactions occuring within the HAZ was conducted, particularly within the fine grained (FG) and intercritical (IC) regions where Type IV cracking is most commonly found to occur. The course grained (CG), FG and IC regions of the HAZ in Grade 91 steel were simulated using a Gleeble 3800 Thermo-Mechanical Simulator. A dilatometer was used to determine the phase transformations occuring during simulation of weld thermal histories. For the first time, it was shown that ferrite can form in the IC HAZ of Grade 91 steel welds. The magnitude of the ferrite transformation was observed to decrease with faster cooling rates. The presence of ferrite in the simulated IC HAZ microstructure was shown to decrease the high temperature tensile strength and increase the high temperature elongation compared to HAZ regions that did not undergo ferrite transformation. Welding parameters such as heat input, preheat and interpass temperature can be selected to ensure faster cooling rates and reduce or potentially avoid formation of ferrite in the IC HAZ.