Large heat-to-heat variation of creep rupture strength in weldments of mod.9Cr-1Mo steels was observed in the creep rupture tests conducted for two different heats at 600°C and 650°C. One heat showed consistently lower time-to-rupture than the other for 130-60MPa at 600°C. Detailed microstructural investigations revealed that the number density of precipitates in the weaker heat was remarkably lower than that associated with the stronger heat through most of the creep region. Accordingly, heat-to-heat variation of creep rupture strength was attributed to the difference in the precipitate strengthening effects throughout creep. Equilibrium calculation predicted that the smaller phase fraction of M23C6 and VN precipitates due to the lower content of chromium and lower ratio of nitrogen/aluminum in the weaker heat. However, given that long-term creep rupture strength at 650°C converged for the two heats, the microstructure including precipitates may settle into a similar level for subsequent longer hours even at 600°C.

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