A 10%Cr martensitic steel with 3%Co and 0.008%B exhibits extremely long creep rupture time of approximately 40000 h under an applied stress of 120 MPa at a temperature of 650°C. The steel’s microstructure after creep tests interrupted at different creep stages was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. It was shown that superior creep resistance of this steel was attributed to slow increase in creep rate at the first stage of tertiary creep whereas the rapid acceleration of creep rate took place only at the short second stage of tertiary creep. Transition from minimum creep rate stage to tertiary creep was found to be accompanied by coarsening of Laves phase particles, whereas M23C6 – type carbides demonstrated high coarsening resistance under creep condition. Strain-induced formation of Z-phase does not affect the creep strength under applied stress of 120 MPa due to nanoscale size of Z-phase particles.

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