A Japanese national project has been undertaken since Aug. 2008 with the objective of developing an advanced ultra-supercritical power plant (A-USC) with a steam temperature of 700°C. Fe-Ni and Ni-based alloys, namely HR6W, HR35, Alloy617, Alloy740, Alloy263 and Alloy141, were taken as candidate materials for piping and superheater/reheater tubes in an A-USC boiler. Weldments of these alloys were manufactured by GTAW, after which long term creep rupture tests were conducted at 700°C, 750°C and 800°C. Weldments of HR6W, HR35 and Alloy617 showed similar creep strength as compared with these base metals. Weldments of Alloy740 tended to fail in the HAZ, and it is considered that voids and cracks preferentially formed in the small precipitation zone along the grain boundary in the HAZ. The creep strength of Alloy263 in weldments exhibited the highest level among all the alloys, although HAZ failure occurred in the low stress test condition. A weld strength reduction factor will be needed to avoid HAZ failure in Alloy740 and Alloy263. Also, to prevent premature failure in weld metal, optimization of the chemical composition of weld filler materials will be required.

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