ENCIO (European Network for Component Integration and Optimization) is a European project aiming at qualifying materials, components, manufacturing processes, as well as erection and repair concepts, as follow-up of COMTES700 activities and by means of erecting and operating a new Test Facility. The 700°C technology is a key factor for the increasing efficiency of coal fired power plants, improving environmental and economic sustainability of coal fired power plants and achieving successful deployment of carbon capture and storage technologies. The ENCIO-project is financed by industrial and public funds. The project receives funding from the European Community's Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) under grant agreement n° RFCPCT-2011-00003. The ENCIO started on 1 July 2011. The overall project duration is six years (72 months), to allow enough operating hours, as well as related data collection, investigations and evaluation of results. The ENCIO Test Facility will be installed in the “Andrea Palladio” Power Station which is owned and operated by ENEL, located in Fusina, very close to Venice (Italy). The Unit 4 was selected for the installation of the Test Facility and the loops are planned for 20.000 hours of operation at 700°C. The present paper summarizes the current status of the overall process design of the thick-walled components, the test loops and the scheduled operating conditions, the characterizations program for the base materials and the welded joints, like creep and microstructural analysis also after service exposure.

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