The drive for reduced carbon dioxide emissions and improved efficiency in coal fire power plant has led to much work being carried out around the world with regards to material development to enable 700+°C steam temperature operation. At these elevated temperatures and pressures steels just don’t have enough strength, and typically have a temperature limit of around 620°C (possibly up to 650°C in the near future) in the HP environment. Therefore, material development has focused on nickel alloys. European programs such as AD700, COMTES, European 50+ and more recently, NextGen Power and Macplus, have investigated the use of nickel alloys in the steam turbine. Large castings have an important role within the steam turbine, because valves bodies and turbine casings are nearly always produced from a cast component. The geometry of these components is often complex, and therefore, the advantage of using castings for such items is that near net shapes can be produced with minimal machining. This is important, as nickel alloys are expensive, and machining is difficult, so castings offer an attractive cost benefit. Cast shapes can be more efficiently designed with regards to stress management. For example, contouring of fillet regions can help to reduce stress concentrations leads to reduced plant maintenance and casting complex shapes reduces the number of onsite fabrication welds to inspect during outage regimes.