A new 9%Cr steel with high boron levels (boron steel) has been developed by optimization studies on steels and alloys that are applicable to advanced ultra-super critical power plants operated at steam conditions of 700°C and 30 MPa and above. The composition and heat treatment condition of boron steel was optimized by the initial hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, and Charpy impact values on the basis of the fundamental investigation with the stability of the long-term creep strength. Creep testing of boron steel was conducted at temperatures between 600 and 700°C. The creep rupture strength at 625°C and 105 h is estimated to be 122 MPa for the present 9% Cr steel with high boron by Larson-Miller parameter method. Furthermore, physical properties as a function of temperature, metallurgical properties, tensile properties, and toughness were examined to evaluate the applicability of the steel for a 625°C USC power plant boiler. It was also confirmed that the steel has good workability for such an application by the flaring and flattening tests with tube specimens having an outer diameter of approximately 55 mm.

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