The use of high-nickel superalloys has greatly increased among many industries. This is especially the case for advanced coal-fired boilers, where the latest high temperature designs will require materials capable of withstanding much higher operating temperatures and pressures than current designs. Inconel alloy 740H (UNS N07740) is a new nickel- based alloy that serves as a candidate for steam header pipe and super-heater tubing in coal-fired boilers. Alloy 740H has been shown to be capable of withstanding the extreme operating conditions of an advanced ultra-super-critical (AUSC) boiler, which is the latest boiler design, currently under development. As with all high nickel alloys, welding of alloy 740H can be very challenging, even to an experienced welder. Weldability challenges are compounded when considering that the alloy may be used in steam headers, where critical, thick-section and stub-to-header weld joints are present. This paper is intended to describe the proper procedures developed over years of study that will allow for ASME code quality welds in alloy 740H with matching composition filler metals.