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aluminum bronze
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1-20 of 319 Search Results for
aluminum bronze
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Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1967) 16 (4): Cu-175.
Published: 01 April 1967
... PROMET-115N is a heat treatable nickel-aluminum bronze recommended for corrosion resistant, high strength bearings, gears and castings. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion...
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PROMET-115N is a heat treatable nickel-aluminum bronze recommended for corrosion resistant, high strength bearings, gears and castings. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-175. Producer or source: American Crucible Products Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1967) 16 (5): Cu-176.
Published: 01 May 1967
... COPPER ALLOY No. 630 is a heat treatable aluminum bronze combining wear resistance with high strength and good corrosion resistance. It is recommended for propellers, pump parts, and valves, gears, shafts and pickling equipment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical...
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COPPER ALLOY No. 630 is a heat treatable aluminum bronze combining wear resistance with high strength and good corrosion resistance. It is recommended for propellers, pump parts, and valves, gears, shafts and pickling equipment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on low and high temperature performance, and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-176. Producer or source: Ampco Metal Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1968) 17 (6): Cu-188.
Published: 01 June 1968
... PROMET 104AB is a polyphase aluminum bronze, offering a combination of high strength, hardness, wear resistance, fatigue strength and good corrosion resistance. It is recommended for gears, bearing races, worm wheels, slides, etc. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical...
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PROMET 104AB is a polyphase aluminum bronze, offering a combination of high strength, hardness, wear resistance, fatigue strength and good corrosion resistance. It is recommended for gears, bearing races, worm wheels, slides, etc. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fatigue. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-188. Producer or source: American Crucible Products Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1970) 19 (1): Cu-210.
Published: 01 January 1970
... ALRONZE is a high strength, special aluminum bronze having excellent corrosion and stress-corrosion resistance. It is recommended for electrical contacts, springs, gaskets, cutlery, wear plates, etc. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity...
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ALRONZE is a high strength, special aluminum bronze having excellent corrosion and stress-corrosion resistance. It is recommended for electrical contacts, springs, gaskets, cutlery, wear plates, etc. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and bend strength. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Cu-210. Producer or source: Olin Brass.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1970) 19 (3): Cu-212.
Published: 01 March 1970
... MARCH 1970 - DATA ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS - hblisbd by Engineering Alloys Digs, Inc Upper Montclair, New Jersey MUELLER 6162 (Aluminum Bronze) MUELLER 6162 is a general purpose alloy for use where high strength and corrosion resistance are necessary, but where high hardness is not a factor...
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MUELLER 6162 is a general purpose alloy for use where high strength and corrosion resistance are necessary, but where high hardness is not a factor. It is recommended for fasteners, bearings, valve stems, gears and pole line hardware. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-212. Producer or source: Mueller Brass Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1970) 19 (9): Cu-220.
Published: 01 September 1970
... MUELLER 6246 is a high-strength copper-aluminum-iron (Aluminum Bronze) alloy possessing a tensile strength greater than 100,000 psi. It has excellent impact properties, wear characteristics and corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness...
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MUELLER 6246 is a high-strength copper-aluminum-iron (Aluminum Bronze) alloy possessing a tensile strength greater than 100,000 psi. It has excellent impact properties, wear characteristics and corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive strength as well as fatigue. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-220. Producer or source: Mueller Brass Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1970) 19 (12): Cu-224.
Published: 01 December 1970
... CORONZE Alloy 638 is a cobalt-silicon modified aluminum bronze with very high strength, good fatigue properties, good corrosion and excellent stress corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fatigue...
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CORONZE Alloy 638 is a cobalt-silicon modified aluminum bronze with very high strength, good fatigue properties, good corrosion and excellent stress corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fatigue. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Cu-224. Producer or source: Olin Brass.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1971) 20 (8): Cu-239.
Published: 01 August 1971
... COPPER ALLOY No. 614 is a high-strength aluminum bronze with excellent corrosion resistance to a variety of environments. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and shear strength as well as fracture toughness and fatigue...
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COPPER ALLOY No. 614 is a high-strength aluminum bronze with excellent corrosion resistance to a variety of environments. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and shear strength as well as fracture toughness and fatigue. It also includes information on low and high temperature performance, and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-239. Producer or source: Copper and copper alloy mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1961) 10 (9): Cu-107.
Published: 01 September 1961
... AMPCO 22 is a hard, low ductility aluminum bronze recommended for drawing and forming dies. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes...
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AMPCO 22 is a hard, low ductility aluminum bronze recommended for drawing and forming dies. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as casting, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-107. Producer or source: Ampco Metal Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1961) 10 (11): Cu-110.
Published: 01 November 1961
... (Aluminum Bronze) Tuf-Stuf 224E-30 is a general purpose alloy for use where high strength and corrosion resistance are necessary, but where high hardness is not a factor. Composition: Aluminum 8.50-9.50 7.6 Iron 0.70-1.50 0.274 Copper Remainder 13 35 1907 18 9.4 Physical Constants: (at 68oF) Specific...
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Tuf-Stuf 224E-30 is a general purpose alloy for use where high strength and corrosion resistance are necessary, but where high hardness is not a factor. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-110. Producer or source: Mueller Brass Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1962) 11 (3): Cu-114.
Published: 01 March 1962
... REVERE No. 429 is an aluminum bronze having good physical properties and high resistance to acids as well as fresh and salt waters. It is recommended for condenser tubes, bolts and tie rods. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile...
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REVERE No. 429 is an aluminum bronze having good physical properties and high resistance to acids as well as fresh and salt waters. It is recommended for condenser tubes, bolts and tie rods. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-114. Producer or source: Revere Copper and Brass Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1962) 11 (11): Cu-122.
Published: 01 November 1962
... TUF-STUF 224E-75 is an aluminum bronze alloy for applications requiring strength and corrosion resistance at moderate temperatures. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion...
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TUF-STUF 224E-75 is an aluminum bronze alloy for applications requiring strength and corrosion resistance at moderate temperatures. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-122. Producer or source: Mueller Brass Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1963) 12 (1): Cu-124.
Published: 01 January 1963
... Ni-Bral nickel-aluminum bronze is a material having high strength and good corrosion resistance. It is recommended for marine propellers, impellers, valves, gears, and shafting. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties...
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Ni-Bral nickel-aluminum bronze is a material having high strength and good corrosion resistance. It is recommended for marine propellers, impellers, valves, gears, and shafting. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on low and high temperature performance, and corrosion resistance as well as casting, forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-124. Producer or source: American Manganese Bronze Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1963) 12 (5): Cu-128.
Published: 01 May 1963
... Alloys Digest. Inc. Upper Montchir, New Jersey AMPCOLOY* 45 (Nickel Aluminum Bronze) AMPCOLOY 45 is a high streogtb, extra tough bronze for machine tool parts, gears, shafts, etc. It is beat treatable and has excellent resistance to corrosion, wear and abrasion. *Registered trademark. Composition...
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AMPCOLOY 45 is a high strength, extra tough bronze for machine tool parts, gears, shafts, etc. It is heat treatable and has excellent to corrosion, wear and abrasion. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-128. Producer or source: Ampco Metal Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1964) 13 (9): Cu-145.
Published: 01 September 1964
... AUR-O-MET 56 is a nickel-aluminum bronze having high strength, wear and shock resistance, combined with good corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes...
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AUR-O-MET 56 is a nickel-aluminum bronze having high strength, wear and shock resistance, combined with good corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-145. Producer or source: Aurora Metal Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1965) 14 (10): Cu-156.
Published: 01 October 1965
... Wearite 4-13 is a corrosion and wear resistant extruded aluminum bronze preheat treated to high strength and hardness levels. It is recommended for sliding contact applications where wear resistance and non-galling characteristics are desired. This datasheet provides information on composition...
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Wearite 4-13 is a corrosion and wear resistant extruded aluminum bronze preheat treated to high strength and hardness levels. It is recommended for sliding contact applications where wear resistance and non-galling characteristics are desired. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-156. Producer or source: Mueller Brass Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1966) 15 (1): Cu-159.
Published: 01 January 1966
... Lumen 97 is a heat treatable aluminum bronze having high hardness coupled with sufficient ductility suitable for gears, bushings and bearings subjected to heavy pressures and excessive wear. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile...
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Lumen 97 is a heat treatable aluminum bronze having high hardness coupled with sufficient ductility suitable for gears, bushings and bearings subjected to heavy pressures and excessive wear. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-159. Producer or source: Lumen Bearing Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1966) 15 (1): Cu-2.
Published: 01 January 1966
... Resistac No. 1 is a high strength, corrosion resistant aluminum bronze capable of responding to heat treatment for increased strength and hardness. It has exceptionally good fatigue resisting qualities and will retain its strength and hardness at relatively high temperatures. This datasheet...
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Resistac No. 1 is a high strength, corrosion resistant aluminum bronze capable of responding to heat treatment for increased strength and hardness. It has exceptionally good fatigue resisting qualities and will retain its strength and hardness at relatively high temperatures. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fracture toughness and fatigue. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-2. Producer or source: American Manganese Bronze Company. Originally published October 1952, revised January 1966.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1957) 6 (2): Cu-47.
Published: 01 February 1957
... AMPCO METAL 20 is an aluminum bronze having high hardness coupled with sufficient ductility suitable for bushings and bearings subjected to heavy presssures and excessive wear. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties...
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AMPCO METAL 20 is an aluminum bronze having high hardness coupled with sufficient ductility suitable for bushings and bearings subjected to heavy presssures and excessive wear. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-47. Producer or source: Ampco Metal Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1957) 6 (6): Cu-51.
Published: 01 June 1957
... AMPCO METAL 18 is an alpha-beta aluminum bronze having high resistance to wear and fatigue. It has high strength combined with good ductility and toughness. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear...
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AMPCO METAL 18 is an alpha-beta aluminum bronze having high resistance to wear and fatigue. It has high strength combined with good ductility and toughness. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fracture toughness and fatigue. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-51. Producer or source: Ampco Metal Inc..