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UNS C93200

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Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2018) 67 (3): Cu-869.
Published: 01 March 2018
... hardness heat treatability joinability low-temperature alloys physical properties tensile properties WIELAND-G07 thermal properties UNS C93200 Wieland-G07 is a cast high leaded tin bronze subject to medium stress in slide bearing applications. Chemical Composition, wt.% (Nominal, maximum) Copper...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1992) 41 (5): Cu-571.
Published: 01 May 1992
... composition elasticity hardness heat treatability machinability physical properties SAE 660 (CDA 932) ALLOY tensile properties UNS C93200 MAY1992 - DIGEST- DATA ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS @Xqyr(qhll992, Alby &?8~t. Inc. AllrightJ r-ad. Pubuchedby: AIoyDiges~.Incm-9161 ggg~g$gp~ used ar 27...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1997) 46 (5): Cu-613.
Published: 01 May 1997
... for a machining adjustment, the properties of Federal- loy compare favorably to alloys UNS C93200. C93400. and C93500. This includes mechanical strength, pressure tight- DOI: 10.31399/asm.ad.cu0613 Table 1 hkchanical Properties (lest Bar Values) As is less oxide (slag) during the melting. The fluidity is also...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1997) 46 (1): Cu-609.
Published: 01 January 1997
...: Magnolia B-l, a lead-free bronze, has a machinability rating of 80; this compares to 70 for leaded tin bronze alloy UNS C93200. Specification Equivalents: UNS C89320 ASTM B505 Military (obsolete) QQC 390 Table 1 Mechanical Properties for As Centrifugal Cast (M02), As Permanent Mold-Cast (M05), and As Cast...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1980) 29 (1): Cu-387.
Published: 01 January 1980
... strength Copper alloy no. 932 corrosion-resistant alloys elasticity fatigue properties fracture toughness hardness heat treatability joinability machinability physical properties tensile properties UNS C93200 All OV Copper Alloy No. 932 Filing Code: Cu-387 Copper Alloy JANUARY 1980 BIGMTd...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2001) 50 (7): Cu-670.
Published: 01 July 2001
... 15.5 195 28 Leaded tin bronze C93200 6.3 7.5 Sn, 6 8 Pb, 1 4 Zn, 81 85 Cu 95 14 205 30 10 65 HB 100 14.5 70 10 DOI: 10.31399/asm.ad.cu0670 Products Available: ToughMet alloys are available in wrought form in the AT temper and in continuous cast form in the CX temper. Rod, bar, hollow bar, plate, tube...