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Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1977) 26 (9): Ni-249.
Published: 01 September 1977
... HASTELLOY alloy B-2 has outstanding corrosion resistance in the as-welded condition. It is an improved wrought version of HASTELLOY alloy B with the same excellent corrosion resistance as alloy B, but with improved resistance to knife line and heat-affected zone attack. Alloy B-2 resists...
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HASTELLOY alloy B-2 has outstanding corrosion resistance in the as-welded condition. It is an improved wrought version of HASTELLOY alloy B with the same excellent corrosion resistance as alloy B, but with improved resistance to knife line and heat-affected zone attack. Alloy B-2 resists the formation of grain-boundry carbide precipitates in the weld heat-affected zone, thus making it suitable for most chemical process applications in the as-welded condition. This alloy also has excellent resistance to pitting and stress-corrosion cracking. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Ni-249. Producer or source: Stellite Division, Cabot Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1993) 42 (4): Ni-425.
Published: 01 April 1993
... HASTELLOY ALLOY B-2 is a nickel-base alloy with excellent resistance to hydrochloric acid at all concentrations and temperatures. Base metal data is available in Alloy Digest Ni-249, September 1977 This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile...
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HASTELLOY ALLOY B-2 is a nickel-base alloy with excellent resistance to hydrochloric acid at all concentrations and temperatures. Base metal data is available in Alloy Digest Ni-249, September 1977 This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on joining. Filing Code: Ni-425. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1999) 48 (5): Ni-552.
Published: 01 May 1999
... Hastelloy B-3 alloy welding products are used to promote similar corrosion resistance to Hastelloy B-3 (Alloy Digest Ni-461, August 1994) and B-2 (Alloy Digest Ni-249, September 1997) base metals, for the dissimilar welding of Hastelloy B-3 and B-2 to nickel or iron-base corrosion resistant alloys...
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Hastelloy B-3 alloy welding products are used to promote similar corrosion resistance to Hastelloy B-3 (Alloy Digest Ni-461, August 1994) and B-2 (Alloy Digest Ni-249, September 1997) base metals, for the dissimilar welding of Hastelloy B-3 and B-2 to nickel or iron-base corrosion resistant alloys, and for overlay cladding. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on joining. Filing Code: Ni-552. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1996) 45 (5): Ni-12.
Published: 01 May 1996
... CHLORIMET 2 is a nickel-base alloy that provides good resistance to corrosive conditions not normally handled by other types of commercially available alloys. CHLORIMET 2 is a refined equivalent of HASTELLOY B and is most commonly used in engineered equipment, such as pumps and valves, made...
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CHLORIMET 2 is a nickel-base alloy that provides good resistance to corrosive conditions not normally handled by other types of commercially available alloys. CHLORIMET 2 is a refined equivalent of HASTELLOY B and is most commonly used in engineered equipment, such as pumps and valves, made by the alloy’s manufacturer. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-12. Producer or source: Duriron Company Inc. Originally published November 1954, revised October 1980, revised May 1996.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1994) 43 (8): Ni-461.
Published: 01 August 1994
... Characteristics: HASTELLOY B-3 alloy is an additional member of the nickel-molybdenum family of alloys with a special chem- istry designed to achieve a level of thermal stability greatly superior to that of its predecessors, e.g HASTELLOY alloy B-2. The improved thermal stability of B-3 alloy over that of alloy B...
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HASTELLOY B-3 ALLOY is a nickel-molybdenum alloy with thermal stability to reduce the deleterious intermetallic precipitates which cause loss of ductility and corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance. Filing Code: Ni-461. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1987) 36 (11): Ni-353.
Published: 01 November 1987
... of plate. l HASTELLOY is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc. Composition: (weight %) Nominal Nickel Cobalt Chromium Molybdenum Iron Silicon Manganese Carbon 63.0 2.5 max. 5.0 24.0 6.0 1.0 max. 1.0 max. 0.12 max. Physical Constants: Thermal coef. expansion*/ F (73-3OO F) 6.29 x 10-b (73...
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HASTELLOY Alloy W is a solid-solution strengthened, nickel-base alloy developed primarily for the welding of dissimilar alloys. It is available in the form of wire suitable for the welding industry. It also has been produced in the form of plate. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, tensile properties, and bend strength. It also includes information on high temperature performance as well as heat treating and joining. Filing Code: Ni-353. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1985) 34 (7): Ni-317.
Published: 01 July 1985
... by ASTM B 574. B 575. B 619, B 622 and B 626; and also by ASME SB 574. SB 575. SB 619, SB 622 and SB 626. IJNS No. 06022 General Characteristics: HASTELLOY alloy C-22 is a modified nickel-chromium- molybdenum alloy having outstanding corrosion r&stance that is maintained cvcn in the welded condition...
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HASTELLOY Alloy C-22 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy that has outstanding resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking. The alloy also has excellent resistance to both reducing and oxidizing media. The alloy has good mechanical properties at both room and elevated temperatures. It can be hot upset, forged, deep drawn, impact extruded and welded. Applications include highly corrosive environments in agrichemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, oil and gas, marine and other chemical process industries. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-317. Producer or source: Cabot Wrought Products.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1985) 34 (9): Ni-322.
Published: 01 September 1985
...-b 13.9 x IO-6 14.9 x IO-6 16.0 x 10-b 71 II6 149 10.2 16.7 21.4 116 29.3 x 106 Table P-AVERAGE ROOM-TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES, COLD-WORKED AND AGED Yield Strength Elongation Reduction Charpy Impact Plate Tensile Strength (0.2% Offset) (2 in.) of Area (V-Notch) Condition ksi ( MPa) ksi (MPa) % 9% ft-lb...
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HASTELLOY ALLOY G-30 is a nickel-base alloy with a superior corrosion resistance to commercial phosphoric acid and complex environments containing highly oxidizing acids. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-322. Producer or source: Cabot Corporation, Corrosion Resistant Alloys.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1994) 43 (9): Ni-464.
Published: 01 September 1994
.... Producer or source: Haynes International Inc. Producer or Source: Haynes International Inc. Copyright © ASM International® 1996 1996 ASM International chemical composition corrosion-resistant alloys HASTELLOY D-205 alloy joinability tensile properties HASTFI I Oy@ D-2()5TM ALLOY :i%z...
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HASTELLOY D-205 ALLOY is an advanced corrosion resistant high-silicon alloy. Its major application is concentrated sulfuric acid. This datasheet provides information on composition and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as joining. Filing Code: Ni-464. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1957) 6 (8): Ni-36.
Published: 01 August 1957
... HASTELLOY ALLOY B is a nickel-molybdenum-iron alloy well suited for equipment handling boiling hydrochloric acid and wet hydrochloric acid gas. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness, creep...
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HASTELLOY ALLOY B is a nickel-molybdenum-iron alloy well suited for equipment handling boiling hydrochloric acid and wet hydrochloric acid gas. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness, creep, and fatigue. It also includes information on low and high temperature performance, and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Ni-36. Producer or source: Haynes Stellite Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1974) 23 (11): Ni-211.
Published: 01 November 1974
... and Plate Tcnsilc Strength Yield Strength Elongation Rockwell B Test psi (0.2% Offset), psi (2 in Ic Hardness Temperature Solution Solution Solution Solution oF Treated* Aged** Treated* Aged** Treated* Aged** Treated* - - - Sheet Thick Room 116200 114600 6 1000 54600 54 56 92 400 98300 103200...
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HASTELLOY Alloy C-4 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with outstanding high-temperature stability as shown by high ductility and corrosion resistance even after long-time aging in the range 1200-1900 F. Alloy C-4 also has excellent resistance to stress-corrosion cracking and to oxidizing atmospheres up to 1900 F. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-211. Producer or source: Stellite Division, Cabot Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1982) 31 (6): Ni-277.
Published: 01 June 1982
... products of Alloy G-3 are available in the form of sheet, plate, bar, pipe, tubing, wire, covered electrodes and billet stock. Pickling: Applications: Pickling of HASTELLOY alloy G-3 is done in a DGS oxidizing salt bath at 850-950°F for 2-7 minutes followed by a water rinse (dip). Next the alloy is put...
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HASTELLOY Alloy G-3 is a nickel-base alloy with outstanding corrosion resistance in the as-welded condition. It is an improved wrought version of HASTELLOY Alloy G. Alloy G-3 has the same excellent general corrosion resistance as Alloy G, along with improved resistance to heat-affected zone (HAZ) attack and excellent weldability. Alloy G-3 is a logical choice for many chemical applications, particularly those involving sulfuric and phosphoric acids, as well as applications where Alloy G has been used successfully. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, tensile properties, and bend strength. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Ni-277. Producer or source: Cabot Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1996) 45 (9): Ni-516.
Published: 01 September 1996
... 2 Unifom Corrosion Resistance ASTM G28A. hoilinga) 26 0.65 250 625 ASTM G28B. boiling(b) 4 0.10 55 137 2o%HF.79T 19 0.47 32 0.80 5O%H$ Oboilin~ 1 0.02 7 0.17 75% H,Po* boiling 33 0.83 51 127 99%amic,hoihg Q.1 8.01 8.1 Co.01 8s%falkboiling 0.4 0.01 1.4 0.03 lO%dlIWiGbC&g 44 1.10 62 155 (a) G28A: I...
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Hastelloy C-2000 has a broad capability range for handling corrosive environments. The alloy has high resistance to reagent grade sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid to high concentrations, and nitric acid. The alloy has outstanding localized corrosion resistance, excellent stress-corrosion cracking resistance, and good thermal stability. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance. Filing Code: Ni-516. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2010) 59 (5): Ni-679.
Published: 01 May 2010
..., is resistant to oxidizing chemicals in the acid that are very detrimental to B-Family alloys. HASTELLOY® HYBRID-BC1® ALLOY (Corrosion Resistant Nickel Alloy) HASTELLOY® HYBRID- BC1® ALLOY Chemical Composition, wt Iron 2 max Chromium 15 Molybdenum 22 Manganese 0.25 Silicon 0.08 max Aluminum 0.5 max Copper 0.08...
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The importance of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids to the chemical process industries cannot be overstated. There has always been a desire for materials with improved resistance to these two acids, without the drawbacks associated with the nickel-molybdenum alloys. The Hybrid-BC1 alloy is significantly more resistant to HCl and H2SO4 than the Ni-Cr-Mo alloys and additionally, is resistant to oxidizing chemicals in the acid that are very detrimental to B-Family alloys. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-679. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1993) 42 (8): Ni-440.
Published: 01 August 1993
...-Resistant Alloy) HASTELLOY@ alloy C-276 is a solid solution, nickel-molybdenum-chromium alloy, with outstanding resistance to localized corrosion and to both oxidizing and reducing media. (See Alloy Digest Ni-164 for b&e metal.) - @HASTELLOY is a trademark of Haynes International, Inc. Chemical Composition...
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HASTELLOY alloy C-276 is a solid solution, nickel-molybdenum-chromium alloy, with outstanding resistance to localized corrosion and to both oxidizing and reducing media. (See Alloy Digest Ni-164, May 1971, for base metal.) This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as joining. Filing Code: Ni-440. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1985) 34 (8): Ni-320.
Published: 01 August 1985
... Constants: Density, lb/cu in. (At room temperature) 0.319 Specific gravity 8.83 Melting range, o F ( C) 2375-2500 ( 1300- 1370) Specific heat, Btu/lb/ OF (At 78°F) 0.095 Thermal coef. expansion / O F (78-200 F) 7.0 x IO-6 (78~6OOOF) 7.4 x IO-6 (78-1OOO F) 7.9 x 10-b (78-1400°F) 8.3 x 10-f (78-18OOOF) 8.9...
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HAYNES Alloy No. 230 is essentially a cobalt-free, nickel-base alloy with outstanding high-temperature strength, oxidation resistance and thermal stability. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance as well as forming, heat treating, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-320. Producer or source: Cabot Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1973) 22 (1): Ni-184.
Published: 01 January 1973
.... 50000 380W 0.063 in 1350 39000. 28200 20200 1500 23500. 15000 9900 1600 14500 9400 - bidbed from forglttg. heat tteated 195oOF, air cooled. kat treati u)SoOF, air cooled. *Extrapolated from Larson-Miua plot cum. TW 7 - TYPICAL CREEP PROPER llES OF 1/4-b. BAR MACHINED FROM FORCING TUt Awage Stmss (psi...
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HASTELLOY alloy S is a nickel-base high-temperature alloy having excellent thermal stability, good high-temperature mechanical properties and excellent resistance to oxidation up to 2000 F. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-184. Producer or source: Stellite Division, Cabot Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1965) 14 (1): Ni-97.
Published: 01 January 1965
... 9400 0.050 sheer, solurion treated. cold reduced and aged (B) Room 195100 168800 125200 1000 169700 149800 110900 1200 174200 145600 lOl,c)O 1400 144400 121300 84800 1600 84000 59900 39800 1800 31600 24500 18800 2000 8300 4700 4300 Yield point 21 23 15 12 14 29 62 15 9 5 2 i 24 4 Elastic Modulus...
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HASTELLOY ALLOY R-235 is a vacuum-melted nickel-base precipitation-hardening alloy with outstanding properties through 1750 F. It has good oxidation resistance, and a remarkable resistance to overaging in service. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive strength as well as creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Ni-97. Producer or source: Union Carbide Corporation, Stellite Division.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1987) 36 (6): Fe-76.
Published: 01 June 1987
... resistance to low-melting eutectics involving phosphorus as encountered in fluidized-bed drying of sodium tripoly-phosphate compounds. Laboratory tests at 850°F in molten zinc show the alloy to have a potential for structural component bet-vice in galvanizing equipment. Specification Equivalents: ASTM: B-435...
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HAYNES Alloy No. 556 is an iron-nickel-chromium-cobalt alloy that combines effective resistance to sulfidizing, carburizing and chlorine-bearing environments with excellent strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, and joining. Filing Code: Fe-76. Producer or source: Haynes International Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2010) 59 (5): SS-1064.
Published: 01 May 2010
... Fig. 1 Pitting corrosion resistance Table 3 Weather resistance(a) Environment and Location (Japan) Alloy PRE(b) Inland (Hirakata) Urban Residential (Tokyo) Coastal Clean (Sotobo, Chiba) Coastal Industrial (Kawasaki) Marine (Splash Conditions) NAS 254N 44 SUS 304 18 SUS 316 24...
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NAS 254N is a high performance corrosion resistance austenitic stainless steel with resistance to hot sea water. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: SS-1064. Producer or source: Nippon Yakin Kogyo Company Ltd.