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Aluminum A108
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1-20 of 24 Search Results for
Aluminum A108
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Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1966) 15 (2): Al-152.
Published: 01 February 1966
... ALUMINUM A108 is a non-heat treatable permanent mold aluminum casting alloy havinng good casting characteristics and pressure tightness. It is recommended for general purpose castings. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties...
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ALUMINUM A108 is a non-heat treatable permanent mold aluminum casting alloy havinng good casting characteristics and pressure tightness. It is recommended for general purpose castings. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fatigue. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Al-152. Producer or source: Aluminum Company of America.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1976) 25 (7): Al-224.
Published: 01 July 1976
... in the solution-treated-and-aged condition. Specification Equivalents: Sand Casting: AA No. 308.0 (Former designation A108). Permanent-Mold Castings: AA No. 308.0 (Former desig- nation Al 08); Federal QQ-A-596d, 308.0(5). Ingots: AA 308.1 (Former designation A108); QQ- A-37le, 308.1 (A108). Note: AA = Aluminum...
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Aluminum 308.0 is a heat-treatable sand and permanent-mold aluminum casting alloy recommended for general-purpose castings. It has good casting characteristics and pressure tightness. Among its many applications are ornamental grills and architectural components. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Al-224. Producer or source: Various aluminum companies.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1975) 24 (2): Al-213.
Published: 01 February 1975
... FEDERATED F450 is a heat-treatable sand and permanent-mold aluminum casting alloy with good casting characteristics and pressure tightness. It is recommended for general-purpose castings. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile...
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FEDERATED F450 is a heat-treatable sand and permanent-mold aluminum casting alloy with good casting characteristics and pressure tightness. It is recommended for general-purpose castings. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Al-213. Producer or source: Federated Metals Corporation, ASARCO Inc..
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1988) 37 (2): CS-119.
Published: 01 February 1988
... toots, spinning tools, die- formed cams. permanent mold castings. small and large cores for castings of aluminum. magnesium and zinc. trimming dies. and gates in investment castings. Manufacturer: Practically all carbon steel mills and foundries. ...
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SAE 1015 is a low-carbon steel used in the annealed, cold-worked, hot-rolled or normalized condition for general purpose construction and engineering. It is also used for case-hardened components. It combines good machinability, good workability and good weldability. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-119. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1972) 21 (8): CS-48.
Published: 01 August 1972
... pressure vessels, contour-roll-formed parts, cold-extruded parts, case-hardened parts, chain and sprocket assemblies, blanking dies, explosive forming tools, press-brake forming tools, spinning tools, die-formed cams, per- manent mold castings, small and large cores for castings of aluminum, magnesium...
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AISI 1015 is a low-carbon steel used in the annealed, cold-worked, hot-rolled or normalized condition for general purpose construction and engineering. It is also used for case-hardened components. It combines good machinability, good workability and good weldability. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-48. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (11): CS-235.
Published: 01 November 2022
...: normalized. Source: Ref 14 265 38 440 64 27 123 183 Material designation: SWCH22A (aluminum-killed steel) and SWCH22K (killed steel). Product form: wire. Treatment condition: process D(a). Source: Ref 10 4.00 0.118 0.157 690 100 45 3.00 4.00 5.00 0.157...
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1023 and S22C are wrought low-carbon non-alloy steels (C = 0.20–0.25%, Mn = 0.30–0.60%) that are used in the as rolled, normalized, or cold worked condition. These steels are widely used for lightly and moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of low-to-medium strength, good cold formability, and good weldability are required. They may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered, condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-235. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (1): CS-214.
Published: 01 January 2022
... by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher strength. Source: Ref 24 Table 1 Physical properties Property Liquidus temperature Density Coefficient...
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1030, C30, C30E, and C30R are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. 1030, C30E, and C30R may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for small, moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of moderate strength and good toughness is required. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-214. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (12): CS-237.
Published: 01 December 2022
... can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium, and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher strength. Source: Ref 17 Corrosion in Fresh Water. The average corrosion rate...
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1049 and S50C are wrought medium-carbon (carbon = 0.46–0.53%) non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. 1049 and S50C may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for moderately and highly stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and where the expense of an alloy steel is not justified. Owing to their low hardenability, their use in the quench hardened and tempered condition is not recommended for large sizes, as the improvement in mechanical properties over the normalized condition is insufficient to justify the additional cost of heat treatment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-237. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (12): CS-236.
Published: 01 December 2022
... exposed for two years at various locations in the United States and Canada are given in Table 6. Source: Ref 14 15 Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium and indium. The degree...
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1033 and S33C are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. 1033 and S33C may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for small, moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of moderate strength and good toughness is required. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-236. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (6): CS-224.
Published: 01 June 2022
... Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium, and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher strength. Source: Ref 23 Corrosion in Fresh Water...
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1010, C10E, and C10R are wrought low-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the as rolled, annealed, normalized, or cold worked condition. These steels are widely used for lightly stressed parts that require excellent cold formability and excellent weldability. They are less expensive than 1008 / C8C and can be used when the requirements for cold forming are less exacting. C10, C10E, and C10R may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance and wear resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-224. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (6): CS-225.
Published: 01 June 2022
... are given in Table 8. Source: Ref 21 22 Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium, and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher...
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1015, C15E, and C15R are wrought low-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the as rolled, annealed, normalized, or cold worked condition. These steels are widely used for lightly stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of low strength, excellent cold formability, and excellent weldability are required. They may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-225. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (1): CS-215.
Published: 01 January 2022
... States and Canada are given in Table 10. Source: Ref 23 24 Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated...
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1034, 1035, 1037, C35, C35E, and C35R are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. 1034, 1035, 1037, C35E, and C35R may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for small, moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of moderate strength and good toughness is required. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-215. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (3): CS-218.
Published: 01 March 2022
... Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium, and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher strength. Source: Ref 21 Table 1 Physical...
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1050, 1053, C50, C50E, and C50R are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, quenched and tempered, or austempered condition. 1050, 1053, C50E, and C50R may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for moderately and highly stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and where the expense of an alloy steel is not justified. Owing to their low hardenability, their use in the quench hardened and tempered condition is not recommended for large sizes, as the improvement in mechanical properties over the normalized condition is insufficient to justify the additional cost of heat treatment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-218. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (3): CS-219.
Published: 01 March 2022
... locations in the United States and Canada are given in Table 7. Source: Ref 20 21. Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium, and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels...
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1055, C55, C55E, and C55R are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, quenched and tempered, or austempered condition. 1055, C55E, and C55R may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for moderately and highly stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and where the expense of an alloy steel is not justified. They are also used for applications where the higher carbon is needed to improve wear characteristics. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-219. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (5): CS-223.
Published: 01 May 2022
... Compatibility of non-alloy steels with selected corrodents Environment(a) Acetaldehyde Acetic acid, all concentrations Acetic acid vapors Acetone Aluminum chloride, dry Aluminum fluoride Ammonium chloride Ammonium hydroxide, 25% Aqua regia, 3:1 Benzene Boric acid Bromine gas, dry Bromine gas, moist Calcium...
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1021, 1022, C20C, and C20GC are wrought low-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the as rolled, normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. They are widely used for lightly and moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of low-to-moderate strength, good ductility, good cold formability, and good weldability are required. 1021 and 1022 may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-223. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (9): CS-231.
Published: 01 September 2022
... throughout the world. The average corrosion rates of non-alloy steel specimens which were exposed for two years at various locations in the United States and Canada are given in Table 7. Source: Ref 19 20 Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze...
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1042 and 1043 are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. 1042 and 1043 may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for moderately and highly stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and where the expense of an alloy steel is not justified. Owing to their low hardenability, their use in the quench and tempered condition is not recommended for large sizes, as the improvement in mechanical properties over the normalized condition is insufficient to justify the additional cost of heat treatment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-231. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (11): CS-234.
Published: 01 November 2022
... locations in the United States and Canada are given in Table 6. Source: Ref 18 19 Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, Table 1 Physical properties Property Liquidus temperature Density Coefficient of linear thermal expansion...
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1017 and S17C are wrought low-carbon (C = 0.15–0.20%) non-alloy steels that are used in the as rolled, normalized, or cold worked condition. These steels are widely used for lightly and moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of low-to-medium strength, excellent cold formability, and excellent weldability are required. They may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-234. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (7): CS-226.
Published: 01 July 2022
... rates of non-alloy steel specimens which were exposed for two years at various locations in the United States and Canada are given in Table 7. Source: Ref 17 18 Liquid-Metal Corrosion. Non-alloy steels can be embrittled by contact with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders...
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1016, C16E, and C16R are wrought low-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the as rolled, normalized, or cold worked condition. These steels are widely used for lightly and moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of low strength, excellent cold formability, and excellent weldability are required. They may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-226. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (7): CS-227.
Published: 01 July 2022
... with liquid brass, aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium, and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher strength. Source: Ref 25 Table 1 Physical properties Property Liquidus temperature Density Coefficient of linear...
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1018 and C17 are wrought low-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the as rolled, normalized, or cold worked condition. They are widely used for lightly and moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and also for applications where a combination of low-to-medium strength, good cold formability, and excellent weldability are required. They may also be used in the carburized or carbonitrided, and subsequently quench hardened and tempered condition for parts requiring a hard, wear-resistant surface, but with little need for increased mechanical properties in the core. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-227. Producer or source: Data Survey.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (2): CS-216.
Published: 01 February 2022
..., aluminum bronze, copper, zinc, lead-tin solders, lithium, cadmium and indium. The degree of embrittlement is greater for steels that have been heat treated to produce higher strength. Source: Ref 22 Corrosion in Fresh Water. The average corrosion rate of nonalloy steels in stagnant air-saturated soft...
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1039, 1040, C40, C40E, and C40R are wrought medium-carbon non-alloy steels that are used in the normalized, cold worked, or quenched and tempered condition. 1039, 1040, C40E, and C40R may also be flame or induction hardened. These steels are widely used for moderately stressed parts that require higher strength levels than can be achieved by the lower carbon grades, and where the expense of an alloy steel is not justified. Owing to their low hardenability their use in the quench and tempered condition is not recommended for large sizes, as the improvement in mechanical properties over the normalized condition is insufficient to justify the additional cost of heat treatment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joinability. Filing Code: CS-216. Producer or source: Data Survey.