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Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1998) 47 (3): SS-710.
Published: 01 March 1998
... Allloy AC 66 is a high temperature austenitic steel with alloying additions to improve oxidation resistance and alloying limitations to improve internal oxidation. Typical applications are waste handling to energy boilers and coal gasification plants. This datasheet provides information...
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Allloy AC 66 is a high temperature austenitic steel with alloying additions to improve oxidation resistance and alloying limitations to improve internal oxidation. Typical applications are waste handling to energy boilers and coal gasification plants. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: SS-710. Producer or source: European metal producers.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1963) 12 (9): Cb-5.
Published: 01 September 1963
... ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS WESTINGHOUSE Alloy B66 (High Temperature Columbium Alloy) Pvblisbed by Enginering Alloys Digest. Inc. Upper Moadrir, Ncrr Jm Westinghouse Alloy B66 is a columbium-base alloy exhibiting superior strength ac remperatures in excess of ~ooo F, yer re- taining sufficient...
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Westinghouse Alloy B66 is a columbium-base alloy exhibiting superior strength at temperatures in excess of 2000 F, yet retaining sufficient ductility for formability and weldability by conventional means. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as creep. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cb-5. Producer or source: Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1976) 25 (10): SA-325.
Published: 01 October 1976
... 87500 16 89500 18 :i 90000 15 26 0.79 1700°F, AC; 12OOoF, 4 hr, 4C 77000 61000 32 67 1.48 17OOoF, AC; 12000F. 4 hr, AC 83000 63000 31 66 0.93 1700oF, AC; 12OOoF, 2 hr. AC 87000 68000 25 48 1.07 1700oF, AC; 1200oF. 4 hr, AC 79000 60000 34 66 0.97 1700°F, 4C; 1200OF. 4 hr. AC 86500 62500 25 45 1 .os...
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Alloy Steel 1.8 Cu-1.0 Mn-1.2 Si is a low-carbon (0.20% max.) cast steel designed to provide intermediate tensile and yield strength. Copper lowers the ductility and toughness of cast steel but, for a given increase in tensile strength, the loss of ductility and toughness is less if copper is added than if carbon is increased. This steel has many uses such as booms, long shafting and gears. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: SA-325. Producer or source: Alloy steel mills and foundries.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1994) 43 (4): Fe-107.
Published: 01 April 1994
... and exceptional resis- tance to stress corrosion cracking and fatigue. Applications: AerMet alloy can be considered as a candidate for use in applications such as: armor, fasteners, landing gear, ac- tuators, ordnance, ballistic tolerant components, jet en- gine shafts, structural members, drive shafts...
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AerMet 100 alloy possesses a combination of high strength, hardness, toughness and good resistance to stress-corrosion from chlorides. It can be used for many aerospace applications such as landing gear and fasteners. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and shear strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on heat treating. Filing Code: FE-107. Producer or source: Carpenter.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1958) 7 (6): Al-66.
Published: 01 June 1958
... max. 1.0 max. 0.3 max. 0.5 max. 0.2 max. Remainder Physical Constants: (at 68OF.) Specific gravity Density, Ib/cu in Soiidificarion range, OF. Thermal conduccivicy, c.g.s. units EIeccrical conductivity, s I ACS Thermal coef. expansion, in/in/OF. x 1O-6 6%212 F. 68-572 OF. Modulus of elasciciy, psi x...
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APEX 36 is a high silicon, aluminum die casting alloy having high fluidity, excellent castability and good corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and shear strength as well as fracture toughness and fatigue. It also includes information on high temperature performance as well as casting and machining. Filing Code: Al-66. Producer or source: Apex Smelting Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1991) 40 (5): Ni-66.
Published: 01 May 1991
... rapidly+16h/85O C (1562 F)/AC For interstage annealing of NTMONIC alloy 105. air cool or fluidize bed quench from 1150°C (2102°F). Avoid waterquench- ing. Machinability: NIMONIC alloy 105 should be in the fully heat treated condition for all machining operations. Use carbide tipped tools or where...
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NIMONIC ALLOY 105 is a wrought nickel-cobalt-chromium-base alloy strengthened by additions of molybdenum, aluminum and titanium. It has been developed for service up to 950 C (1742 F). This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and elasticity as well as creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ni-66. Producer or source: Inco Alloys International Inc.. Originally published August 1961, revised May 1991.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1986) 35 (2): CS-111.
Published: 01 February 1986
... In % 34 36 Reduction of area. 46 66 65 BrineU hardness ( load) 150 136 lzod Impact, l ft-lb 80 85 Abbreviation: FC = Furnace Cooled; AC = Air Cooled. *Impact values vary with steelmaktng and deoxidation practices. Nomlalized (17ooOF. Ait Cooled) 77000 53000 35 66 157 81 Table 2 - AS-WATER QUENCHED...
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AISI 1522 is a low-carbon steel that combines good workability, good machinability and good weldability. It is used in the hot-rolled, annealed, normalized or water-quenched-and-tempered condition for a variety of applications. It also is used for parts case-hardened by carburizing. It has a relatively high manganese content; this provides increased hardenability which is reflected in all uses and gives increased strength and hardness in the core of carburized parts and in sections and components that have not been carburized. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-111. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1966) 15 (7): TS-180.
Published: 01 July 1966
... slowly to 1500-1600oF, then bring up rapidly to 2350-24000F, quench in oil, molten lead, or dry air blast, and remove when slightly warm to the touch. Furnace atmospheres should be held slightly reducing so as to avoid decarburization as far as possible. The time ac temperature will depend on size...
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Panther Special is a cobalt high-speed steel recommended for heavy duty cutting of hard, gritty materials, such as cast iron as well as heat treated alloy steels. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, and elasticity as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: TS-180. Producer or source: Allegheny Ludlum Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1983) 32 (5): CS-94.
Published: 01 May 1983
... Brine11 hardness (3000 Kg.) lzod Impact. ft-lb Annealed Normalized Hot (1550°F. FC ( 1700 F. Air Rolled to IMOOF. AC) Cooled) 75000 67000 76000 48000 45000 50000 30 31 32 56 58 61 I45 130 149 - 51 69 Cold Drawn 85000 72000 20 47 175 Surface 1/ Radius Center /i-in. Rd. I-III. Rd. 2-in. Rd. 4-in. Rd. 50...
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AISI 1030 is a plain carbon steel containing nominally 0.30% carbon. It is used in the hot-rolled, normalized, oil-quenched-and-tempered or water-quenched-and-tempered conditions for general-purpose engineering and construction. It provides medium strength and toughness at low cost. Among its many uses are axles, bolts, gears and building sections. All data are on a single heat of fine-grain steel. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-94. Producer or source: Carbon and alloy steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1966) 15 (2): SA-192.
Published: 01 February 1966
... -OF 60 Heat Treatment: AC, 1340 Ar, 1320 AC, 1415 Ar, 1270 Normalize: Air cool from 1650-1700 deg. F. Anneal: Furnace cool from 1425-1450 deg. F. Spheroidize: Slow cool (about 5 deghr.) follow- ing austenitizing by extended heating at a temperature near the Acm point, or by isothermal transformation...
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Vasco Momarc CVM is a modification of AISI 52100 steel where the manganese has been replaced by molybdenum to provide the desirable hardenability. It is more resistant to tempering than 52100 which makes it ideal for bearing applications. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: SA-192. Producer or source: Vanadium Alloys Steel Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1964) 13 (12): SA-171.
Published: 01 December 1964
...-400oF, Calculated MS temperatures: core carbon levels - 7800F rJ.50% carbon levels - 5800F 1.00% carbon levels - 2800F Critical Points: AC, 13600F AC, 15400F Ar, 12400F 4 143OOF Machinability: Machinability racing of 60-70s of B1112 or Cl212 steels. When compared to ocher low carbon alloy steels...
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Timken 4419 alloy steel is a carbon-molybdenum type carburizing steel suitable for bearings, gears and other carburized articles produced by quenching directly from the carburizer. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on low and high temperature performance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: SA-171. Producer or source: Timken Roller Bearing Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2010) 59 (8): SA-618.
Published: 01 August 2010
... temperatures Ac 3, 825 ºC (1517 ºF), M s , 336 ºC (637 ºF) Ac 1, 628 ºC (1162 ºF), M f , 168 ºC (335 ºF) Mechanical Properties: Fracture toughness per ASTM E399. This KIC property is important in many applications for Lescalloy AF1410 VIM-VAR steel. When heat treated to nominal strength levels, ASTM E 399...
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Lescalloy AF1410 VIM-VAR is a clean high strength alloy steel with high strength and a very high fracture toughness. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, and machining. Filing Code: SA-618. Producer or source: Latrobe Specialty Steel Company.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1962) 11 (8): TS-122.
Published: 01 August 1962
... in a loss of approximately 1 point Rockwell C of hardness. Critical Temperatures: AC 1 1380oF AcCM 14350F Weldability: This alloy is difficult to weld as are all air- hardening tool steels. It requires preheating and post heating. Success depends primarily upon the skill of the welder. General...
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Hi-Wear 64 is a cold work tool steel offering improved wear resistance and low temperature heat treatment. It is a deep hardening non-deforming steel recommended for tools to blank and form abrasive materials. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and hardness. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: TS-122. Producer or source: Carpenter.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1989) 38 (5): CS-124.
Published: 01 May 1989
.... AC) 77000 (531) 5OcKm (345) 30 55 158 39 (16500F. Air Cooled) Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 87C00 (599) Yield point, psi (MPa) 55ooo (379) Elongation (2 in % 26 Reduction of area, % 51 Brinell hardness (3000 kg) 175 hod Impact, ft-lb 42 FC = Furnace Cooled. AC = Air Cooled Table 2 -- AS-QUENCHED...
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UNS G10370 is a medium carbon, plain carbon steel. In bar form the steel is often used in the as-hot rolled condition. Cold drawn bars have attractive combinations of mechanical and dimensional properties and are widely used in mass production of machined and other parts. UNS G10370 is also used as a structural plate steel. See also Alloy Digest CS-127, June 1990. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: CS-124. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1981) 30 (11): CS-87.
Published: 01 November 1981
... 1 - TYPICAL ROOM-TEMPERATURE UNHARDENED PROPERTIES - 1 -in. Dia Bar Annealed Notmalized As Hot (162S°F, FC (17OtPF, Air Property Rolled to 125tPF, AC) Cooled) Tensile strength. psi 73000 67OW 77000 Yield point, psi mooo 45000 53wO Elongation (2 in 5% 34 36 35 Reduction of area, 95 66 65 66 Brinell...
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SAE 1522 is a low-carbon steel that combines good workability, good machinability and good weldability. It is used in the hot-rolled, annealed, normalized or water-quenched-and-tempered condition for a variety of applications. It also is used for parts case-hardened by carburizing. It has a relatively high manganese content (1.10-1.40%); this provides increased hardenability which is reflected in all uses and gives increased strength and hardness in the core of carburized parts and in sections and components that have not been carburized. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-87. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1972) 21 (1): CS-46.
Published: 01 January 1972
... Roiled to 120OoF, AC) Cooled) Tensile strength, psi 83000 73000 81000 Yield point, psi 54000 48000 52000 Elongation (2 in % 27 30 Reduction of area, % 53 57 :: Brinell hardness (3000 kg) 172 155 165 lzod Impact, ft-lb 45 42 58 FC = Furnace Cooled. AC = Air Cooled. Table 2 - AS-QUENCHED ROCKWELL C...
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AISI 1035 is a medium-carbon steel used in the hot-rolled, normalized, oil quenched and tempered or water quenched and tempered condition for general purpose engineering and construction. It provides medium strength and toughness at low cost. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-46. Producer or source: Carbon and alloy steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1971) 20 (1): Fe-46.
Published: 01 January 1971
...), psi Elongation, % Reduction of area, W Rockwell B hardness Sheet Bar 68000 65000 39000 37000 27000 30000 34 34 - 66 74 74 Table 2 - EFFECT OF STABILIZATION HEAT TREATMENTS ON COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL EXPANSION SPECIMENS FROM SAME HEAT Heat Treatment* 15OOoF. 1 hr + WQ 15OOoF, 1 hr. WQ + 2OOoF, 4 hr, AC...
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UNISPAN LR35 offers the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion of any alloy now available. It is a low residual modification of UNISPAN 36 for fully achieving the demanding operational level of precision equipment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, and tensile properties. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Fe-46. Producer or source: Cyclops Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1977) 26 (2): CS-66.
Published: 01 February 1977
... Elongation (2 in % 23 Reduction of area, % 48 Brinell hardness (3000 kg) 193 lzod impact, ft-lb 35 FC = Furnace Cooled. Annealed Normalized (1450oF, FC ( 1650°F, Air to 1 200°F, AC) Cooled) 76000 88000 5 3000 58000 29 27 55 52 155 185 32 45 AC = Air Cooled. Table 2 - AS-QUENCHED HARDNESS !&in. Round l...
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SAF 1039 steel can be used in the hot-rolled, normalized, oil-quenched-and-tempered or water-quenched-and-tempered condition for general-purpose construction and engineering. Its manganese content is a little higher than some of the other standard carbon steels with comparable carbon levels; this gives it slightly higher hardenability and hardness. It provides medium strength and toughness at low cost. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-66. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2012) 61 (4): SA-650.
Published: 01 April 2012
... corrosion cracking resistance Temper Tough Alloy Orientation L Fracture toughness, KIc, MPa m (ksi in.) 70.1 (63.8) Stress corrosion cracking resistance, KISCC, MPa m (ksi in.) 12.1 (11.0) Heat treated: 918 ºC (1685 ºF), 1.5 h + GQ + 38 ºC ( 100 ºF) 8 h +AW + 260 ºC (500 ºF), 2 h + AC. Data represent...
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Temper Tough alloy is an air-melted quenched and tempered steel with high strength and high toughness. This datasheet provides information on composition, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and shear strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, and machining. Filing Code: SA-650. Producer or source: Carpenter Technology Corporation.
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1974) 23 (8): CS-55.
Published: 01 August 1974
... Annealed Normalized Hot (1450oF. FC (17OOoF, Air Property Rolled to 1125oF. AC)* Cooled) Tensile strength, psi 76000 65000 69000 Yield point, psi 46000 41000 46000 Elongation (2 in % 32 34 34 Reduction of area, % 70 61 66 BrinelI hardness (3000 kg) 149 131 143 Irod impact, ft-lb 80 78 76 *FC=Fumace Cooled...
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AISI 1118 is a resulfurized carbon steel for applications requiring a free-machining carburizing steel. Its relatively high manganese content provides increased hardenability in all applications and increased hardness and strength in uncarburized uses and in the core of carburized components. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: CS-55. Producer or source: Carbon steel mills. See also Alloy Digest CS-91, December 1982.