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Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1988) 37 (8): SS-497.
Published: 01 August 1988
... Allegheny Ludlum AL 17-4 Precipitation Hardening Alloy is a chromium-nickel-copper stainless steel. It maintains high strength to about 600 F (316 C) and it exhibits a moderate level of corrosion resistance. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2014) 63 (8): SS-1181.
Published: 01 August 2014
... Composition, wt (Typical) Carbon 0.035 Chromium 16.0 Nickel 4.80 Sulfur 0.001 Copper 3.40 Niobium + Tantalum 0.30 Phosphorus 0.025 Iron bal Physical Properties: See Table 1. Mechanical Properties: Minimum tensile properties are shown in Table 2. Heat Treatment: Solution Treating. AL 17-4 precipitation...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1993) 42 (10): SS-551.
Published: 01 October 1993
... - DIGEST- OCTOBER 1993 DATA ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS OcqpyrdBN 1993, A/by Kl&asl, Inc. All r@hts - PkWWdby: Allov Dii&. Inc. I2OlG7-9161 LWaahomamlypicd.norlobeusadlor txlaca~srion Q Inal dasign. AL TECH Stainless Steel 17Cr-4Ni EZm 27 Cantiild Street. Clruylo. N.J. 07060 / U.S.A (Precipitation...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2023) 72 (7): Ni-784.
Published: 01 July 2023
... 226 108 (48) (33) (16) 275 177 78 (40) (26) (11) 162 83 (23) (12) 29 (4) 870 (1650) 83 (12) 59 (9) 37 (5) 17 (2) Average values Table 5 0.5% creep limit in the precipitation hardened condition Duration h 100 300 1,000 10,000 30,000 650 (1200) 530 (77) 485 (70) 431 (63) 333 (48) 284 (41) 0.5% creep...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2022) 71 (4): Ni-779.
Published: 01 April 2022
... International®. All rights reserved. Alloy Digest: Data on Worldwide Metals and Alloys Table 4 0.2% creep limit in the precipitation hardened condition Duration h 100 300 1,000 10,000 650 (1200) 510 (74) 441 (64) 382 (55) 245 (36) 0.2% creep limit, in MPa (ksi), at a temperature, in °C (°F), of 700 (1290) 750...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (2023) 72 (8): Ni-785.
Published: 01 August 2023
...), at a temperature, in °C (°F), of 700 (1290) 750 (1380) 800 (1470) 815 (1500) 353 157 (51) (23) 294 118 (43) (17) 235 83 (34) (12) 122 69 (18) (19) 27 (4) 900 (1652) 47 (7) 33 (5) 22 (3) Average values Table 5 0.5% Creep limit in the precipitation hardened condition Duration h 100 300 1,000 10,000...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1973) 22 (1): Al-205.
Published: 01 January 1973
... ALUMINUM 6061 is a wrought precipitation-hardenable aluminum alloy having excellent resistance to corrosion and good mechanical properties. (This alloy is covered under its old designation, ALUMINUM 61S, in Alloy Digest Al-3, November 1952.) This datasheet provides information on composition...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1975) 24 (4): Ni-216.
Published: 01 April 1975
... PYROMET 901 is a nickel-chromium super alloy designed for high strength and corrosion resistance in the temperature range of 1000-1400 F. Compounds of Ni3 (Al, Ti) type produce the precipitation hardening. It is used in a variety of high-temperature applications such as components in aircraft...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1997) 46 (1): SS-666.
Published: 01 January 1997
... li =s~~v,B7 HPM 455 , -, - DIGEST - DATA ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS HPM 455 (Heat-Treatable Martensitic Stainless Steel) HPM 455 is a precipitation hardenable mane&tic stainless steel. The composition provides a good combination of corrosion r&stance and heat-mated strength favorable...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1988) 37 (11): Al-292.
Published: 01 November 1988
... wrought aluminum alloys UNS A96061 Al&j/ UNS A96061 Filing Code: Al-292 Aluminum Alloy -DIGEST NOVEMBER 1999 - DATA ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS pphfl-YR&yg.~p -by: ABnyoi#n&hc.12ol677-9161 OktddkWWP- 27cmliislmuormlge,NJ.07060/U.6.A. UNS A96061 (Precipitation+lardemable Wrought Alloy) UNS A%061...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1952) 1 (1): Al-1.
Published: 01 September 1952
... Ternalloy 8 is a natural aging, precipitation-hardening aluminum casting alloy affording high mechanical properties. It is of the aluminum-magnesium-zinc type of alloy suitable for sand and permanent mold castings. This alloy has good cast-ability, excellent machinability, high corrosion...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1990) 39 (4): Al-303.
Published: 01 April 1990
... to stress corrosion cracking is excellent in the 0 and T6 tempers and slightly less in the T4 temper. Specification Equivalents: UNS A96061 SAE J454 (6061) Numerous AMS, ASTM, MIL Specs. and Fed. Specs. General Characteristics: AA 6061 is the major alloy in the 6000 series. It is precipitation hardenable...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1998) 47 (8): Cu-621.
Published: 01 August 1998
.... Due to their submicron size, very fine distribution, and inter- action with the copper matrix. these precipitates are responsible for the unique properties that distinguish beryllium copper from other copper al- loys Precipitation hardening can be performed by the material fabricator or the smp...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1994) 43 (12): Ni-473.
Published: 01 December 1994
...) and then air cooling. Workability: Hot Working: Nicorros Al may be hot-worked in the range 1150 to 900°C (2100 to 1650OF). Cooling must be by water quenching from above 800°C (1470OF). Air cooling allows precipitation of Ni3(TiAJ). which hardens the alloy and may lead to cracking if the metal is reheated. Afm...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1977) 26 (12): Ni-252.
Published: 01 December 1977
.... Heat Treatment: Pyromet 31 is strengthened by the controlled precipitation of gamma prime, Ni3(Al, Ti, Cb). The gamma prime phase can be placed in solid solution at temperatures of 18300F (IOOOOC) and above. The optimum heat treatment for Pryomet 31 varies with property requirements for different...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1998) 47 (7): Cu-615.
Published: 01 July 1998
... to their submicron size, very Une disuibution, and inter- action with the copper matrix. these precipitates are responsible for the prqenies that distinguish beryllium copper from other copper alloys. Pmcipitation hardening can be performed by tbe material fabricator or the snip ma&al producer. When precipiration...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1974) 23 (2): Ni-201.
Published: 01 February 1974
.... The alloy age hardens by the precipitation of a columbium rich intermetallic gamma prime phase, which is depicted as Ni3 (Cb, Ti, Al). Forms Available: Billets, bars, sheet. strip, plate, tubing, wire and forgings. Applications: Jet engine parts such as compressor discs, stators, rotors and shafts: turbine...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1989) 38 (11): SS-204.
Published: 01 November 1989
... hardness heat treatability high-temperature alloys joinability machinability nuclear industry physical properties tensile properties workability UNS S15500 Al mf)Jyy g:;iLJ;; -DIGEST - DATA ON WORLD WIDE METALS AND ALLOYS p-by: Moy Dig@ k 1201-677-9161 27 CMcldd t3tmet, CQO, N.J. 07060 I U.S.A...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1972) 21 (11): Cu-261.
Published: 01 November 1972
... (Treatment: solution treated, 25% cold worked, precipitation heat treated) Heating Conditions Tensile Yield Strength Elongation Temperature Tie Strength (0.5% Extension) (2 in.1 Rockwell oF AL- Psi psi % Hardness RT 400 600 800 850 900 900 1000 67000 100 68000 100 69000 100 68000 100 67000 100 57000 55 67000...
Journal Articles
Alloy Digest (1968) 17 (3): SA-224.
Published: 01 March 1968
... and chromium, cannot be satisfactorily nirrided, so char other methods of welding should be employed. Ic is advisable, whatever method of welding is em- ployed, char the welded parts be heat created after welding and before the machining operations are carried out. Age Harden- ing Behaoiar of 5% Ni, 2% Al...