Meehanite SF400 is a ferritic ductile iron that has a minimum tensile strength of 400 MPa (58 ksi) and a minimum elongation of 17%, when measured on test pieces machined from separately cast samples. This fully ferritic Meehanite grade is produced by either strict control of the raw materials during melting or by an annealing heat treatment to eliminate any pearlite formed during solidification. Meehanite SF400 is specifically designed for general engineering applications where high ductility and exceptional resistance to impact is required. It also provides maximum toughness at ambient temperatures. Compared with cast steel of similar strength, it is possible to reduce machining times by up to 25%. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and bend strength as well as fatigue. It also includes information on casting, heat treating, and machining. Filing Code: CI-98. Producer or source: Meehanite Metal Corporation.

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