ALUMINUM A356.0 is a sand and permanent-mold casting alloy. It responds to an age-hardening heat treatment. This alloy has a relatively good combination of strength and ductility in the solution-treated and aged condition. Aluminum A356.0 is recommended for aircraft and missile components where high strength and resistance to corrosion are required. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, tensile properties, and compressive and shear strength as well as fatigue. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Al-258. Producer or source: Various aluminum companies.
aircraft components, ALUMINUM A356.0, cast aluminum alloys, castability, chemical composition, compressive strength, corrosion-resistant alloys, ductility, elasticity, fatigue properties, hardness, heat treatability, joinability, machinability, physical properties, shear strength, tensile properties, UNS A13560
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Copyright © ASM International® 1996
ASM International
Aircraft components
Corrosion-resistant alloys
Cast aluminum alloys
Aluminum alloys
Chemical composition
Heat treatability
Compressive strength
Elastic modulus
Fatigue properties
Shear strength
Tensile properties
Physical properties
Thermal properties
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