CABOT Ti-3A1-2.5V alloy is both lightweight and strong. It has a high strength-to-weight ratio which provides a major design advantage saving weight. It can be formed readily and it has good weldability. Seamless tubing of CABOT Ti-3A1-2.5V was developed for aircraft hydraulic and fuel systems and its performance has been proved by use in various types of aircraft and aerospace vehicles. CABOT Ti-3A1-2.5V is available as plate, sheet and seamless tubing and pipe. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Ti-85. Producer or source: Cabot Wrought Products.
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Copyright © ASM International® 1996
ASM International
Space vehicles
Seamless metal pipes
Sheets and strips
Seamless metal tubes
Alpha and near alpha titanium alloys
Chemical composition
Heat treatability
Elastic modulus
Tensile properties
Physical properties
Thermal properties
Aircraft hydraulic and pneumatic systems
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